Registration on Taobao
Step-by-step instructions for registering on the largest Chinese sites and Taobao
The instructions have been checked and are up to date.
Before studying the information, we recommend that you read the articles:
1. How to buy goods from China. (Where to search and choose goods from China)
2. Registration on Taobao and 1688 websites
3. How to search products on Taobao and (how to use Taobao and 1688)
4. How to choose a quality product on Chinese sites (how Taobao and 1688 work)
1. Registration on Chinese sites is a very laborious procedure and requires special care. At any time, the site may be updated, the server may be unavailable, and your phone number may not be accepted by the system. In this case, the next attempt you will have in a day.
2. The site is entirely in Chinese. If you do not have knowledge in this area, it will be very difficult for you to understand the information and characteristics of the product. The main thing in this case is to find a reliable supplier, and not a one-day firm.
3. The prices on the site are for reference only and in most cases are not relevant. Therefore, for each product you will personally have to negotiate with the supplier. Of course in Chinese. In this case, the main thing is not to make mistakes, otherwise there is a chance to get from China not at all what was planned.
4. If you still have enough patience and you have reached this point, then you will have to face the purchase of goods. There are two ways:
a) Directly transfer money to a supplier in China with a huge commission on your own.
b) Find a person to redeem the goods and transfer the money to him on parole.
5. If you managed not to lose your money by giving it to a scammer, then it's time to start organizing delivery .
There are several options here:
a) You alone or jointly with the seller organize the delivery to the warehouse of the transport company (with which you agreed in advance).
b) You hire a person to redeem the goods, who will redeem the goods (after receiving your money in China on parole).
It would seem that there is nothing complicated in picking up the goods in one place and delivering it to another, but there are some pitfalls here:
- Upon arrival at the warehouse, the carrier company will tell you the actual weight of the goods. And don't be surprised if it gets bigger. You'll have to pay extra.
- Storage in a warehouse can also be paid. Get your wallet ready.
- The product may require repackaging or additional packaging. Be prepared to pay for that too.
By the way, you will not be given a guarantee that your cargo will arrive intact. Most often, carriers insure the cargo only against loss.
Therefore, we offer the best solution for you:
At your request, we will
Search for goods of goods and selection of a reliable supplier
We organize the purchase of goods, their inspection and delivery to our warehouse
We will bring the goods to the Russian Federation and deliver to your city
With us you will receive a fixed turnkey price and will be insured against risks.
Leave a request to search for a product and supplier right now
In the window that opens, click the "Start registration" button, as in the figure
In the window that opens, click the "Start registration" button, as in the figure